Frequently Asked Questions

Please see below the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about my practice and therapy in general:

  • Therapy is, essentially, a space to invite transformational change. This could be any sort of change you would like to see in your life - from developing coping strategies for anxiety, depression or another form of mental health concern or simply to learn more about yourself, your relationships and others.

    To find out more about what therapy is, the different types of therapy and much more, visit the ‘What is Therapy?’ page of my website!

  • Counselling and Psychotherapy are not regulated professions, which means there is not ‘official’ distinction between them.

    Despite this, counselling is a term often used to descibe shorter term work which focuses on relieving the psychological or psychosomatic symptoms (physical symptoms arising from psychological issues) , rather than treating the cause of the issue.

    Psychotherapy, on the other hand, is more about working with the source/cause of the issue rather than treating the symptoms. Psychotherapy is a longer-term option and may be necessary for more complex presentations.

    I use the term ‘therapy’ to include both counselling and psychotherapy.

  • Therapy can help with any number of issues, including but not limited to anxiety, depression, panic, relationship issues, addiction and substance misuse, anger management, sexuality issues, low self-esteem, confidence, trauma, and many, many more.

  • This is a question that is very difficult to answer, as it will depend on a variety of factors.

    Whilst we cannot say for certain how many sessions will be needed to fully address a particular issue, it is possible for us to agree with each other to work in a time limited way, focusing on one particular issue and doing what we can in the time available. Please feel free to mention, when you make an enquiry, if you would prefer to work in a time limited way.

    The alternative is to work in a more open-ended way, where we will work together until the agreed goals of therapy have been met or until a time when you decide to stop, for any reason.

  • In my practice, I offer the first session free of charge, so that we can get to know each other a little bit before we decide if we would like to work together.

    After the first session, I charge £55 per session.

  • Each session lasts for 50-minutes.

  • The first session is all about us getting to know each other and whether we might be able to work together well.

    For clients, this is an opportunity for you to get a feel of me as a therapist and to decide whether you would like to book any further sessions.

    For me, it is an opportunity to get to know you and if what is bringing you to therapy is something I am able to support you with, as there are some presenting issues that fall outside of my area of practice (e.g., eating disorders, adoption, severe trauma, etc.).

    If you would like to know more about my scope of practice and what presenting issues I am equipped to support clients with, please feel free to get in touch.

  • I am qualified as an integrative therapist, using Clarkson’s Five Relationship model. Within this, my core approach is based in Transactional Analysis (or TA for short).

    If you would like to learn more about Clarkson, TA or my approach, please feel free to ask me.